Report Grease Thieves

Up To $750 In Total Rewards

  • grease theft, used cooking oil thief, Los Angeles and Orange County California
    Grease Thief Spotted In LA and OC (NO LOGOS or License)
  • grease spillage cause by used cooking oil thieves
    Spilled Caused By Thieves
  • costly grease spill caused by people stealing used cooking oil.  cooking oil theft it a crime
    Costly Cleanup Caused By Oil Thieves
  • used cooking oil theft. restaurant used cooking oil stolen
    Report Grease Theft and Get Up To $750 Reward
  • IKG Decal used cooking oil theft
    IKG Haulers Must Have Current Decals

It's Our Problem

Grease theft has been an epidemic problem in the industry that is costing haulers and restaurants thousands of dollars.  The fact that these bandits are taking from containers and customers that is not theirs they are often careless when they pick up oil causing major spillage.  Furthermore, grease thieves are often unlicensed collectors unable to provide required log or manifest reports required by the city health and or the waste water inspectors. 

Used cooking oil thieves are careless when it comes to stealing from a grease storage tank. Most the time they will break into the tanks forcefully causing spillage of grease that can be very costly to clean up.   In case of a large spill, the city will hold the restaurant responsible for all nessary cost for cleanup. In any event that the spill enters the city storm drains or sanitation line they have the right to close down the business, bring a team of city approved vendors that can cost tens of thousands of dollars. All cost incurred are then billed to the business owner of the establishment. If the business fails to pay, the city has the right to revoke the business license forcefully shutting down the business until the problem is resolved.

Secondly restaurants are required by the health or the waste water district to maintain a manifest log provided by the grease collection company.  These manifest forms provided are numbered and kept by the hauling company to ensure that all waste collected are properly being disposed legally to a licensed rendering facility.  In case of an audit, both restaurant and the collection company must be able to provide proof with both forms 124 and 125 to the auditing company to prevent any citations or fines. 

In conclusion, grease theft is now a problem for both restaurants and the grease collection companies. If you notice that the grease from your restaurants is being taken by a company that is not contracted by you, call your servicer to inform them or call 855-HIT-GREASE and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $500.

Report Grease Theft

How To Spot A Oil Thief.

Grease thieves will typically have an unmarked collection trucks without any logo’s or an IKG decal posted on the windshield of their vehicle (see photograph above for a real example).  Most legitimate companies will put a logo on their vehicle and have company uniforms as branding for customers to know who and what company they are working for.  Furthermore, it is required by law that all vehicles used to collect used cooking grease must have a valid IKG license on their windshield that is up to date.  Without the proper stickers, legally they are not able to collect, haul or dispose used cooking oil from restaurants.

Where do they sell used cooking oil?

Without the proper licensing, rendering facilities are not allowed to purchase or take in any used cooking oil from grease collectors.  Any rendering facility purchasing oil from unlicensed grease collectors are subject to huge fines and can be forced to shut down by the CDFA.  In Southern California, it has been reported that there is a company in Long Beach purchasing oil from unlicensed collector.  No charges have been made by along with other companies, we have already reported this to the CDFA in hopes that this company will stop purchasing stolen grease from unlicensed company.

What can you do to help?

The fact that this problem has been becoming an epidemic, the CDFA is now offering a $500 reward for arrest leading to conviction. On top of the reward JR Grease Services will also add $250 reward leading to arrest leading to conviction

Click Here To Report Theft

Call Us at 888-800-0118 or 855-HIT-GREASE